The machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, case and bag, package, internal decoration of automobile, making shoes, rubber and other industries. 1. Use the structure of double cylinder and precise four-column automatic balancing links to ensure same cutting depth in every cutting region. 2. ඉහළ සහ පහළ තහඩු පිටුපස සිට පිටුපසට ගමන් කළ හැකිය ...
The machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, case and bag, package, internal decoration of automobile, making shoes, rubber and other industries. 1. Use the structure of double cylinder and precise four-column automatic balancing links to ensure same cutting depth in every cutting region. 2. ඉහළ සහ පහළ තහඩු පිටුපස සිට පිටුපසට ගමන් කළ හැකිය ...
ලෙදර්, රබර්, ප්ලාස්ටික්, රෙදි, රෙදි, කුහරය, නයිලෝන්, කෘතිම සම්, PVC මණ්ඩලය, විශේෂයෙන් පුළුල් ආකෘතියක් සඳහා සුදුසු ආකෘතියක් කැපීම, විස්මයජනක නොවන ද්රව්ය කැපීම හෝ බහු ස්ථර සඳහා සුදුසු වේ; especially the rules of cutting, small die cutter, large quantities of special parts apply such as football, volleyball, tennis, cutting discs. Machine Performance: 1. Two cylinder, precise four column automatic balance double linkage mechanism, guarantee each cutting position ...
Uses And Features The machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, producing cloth, case and bag, package, toys, stationery, automobile and other industries. 1. සෑම කැපී පෙනෙන කලාපයකම එකම කපන බලය සහතික කිරීම සඳහා තීරු හතරකි නැඹුරු වූ සහ සමබරතාවය හා සමමුහුර්තකරණයේ ව්යුහය අනුගමනය කිරීම. 2. Use double-cylinder driven to achieve the cutting power of hig...